How to maintain my wheels?


Proper maintenance will prevent damage to the finish of your wheels and void its warranty. Before installing your wheels, apply a coat of non-abrasive automotive wax; this will protect the finish and make cleaning easier. Clean your wheels often with water, mild soap and a non-abrasive sponge or cotton cloth. Re-wax at least once a season. 


It's best to avoid cleaning wheels with chemical cleaners to avoid damaging the paint finish. If you wash your vehicle regularly, these products will not be necessary. When washing your vehicle, start with the wheels and make sure they are cold first. Painted wheels have a similar finish to the paint on your vehicle, so use a mild automotive detergent. Use a wash mitt or soft sponge and avoid abrasive brushes and pads that can scratch and damage the finish. We also recommend waxing the exposed areas of your wheels three to four times a year, or more often. This will prolong the appearance of your new wheels and prevent other materials from damaging the finish.

Do not use polishing compounds, pads or abrasive cleaners on your wheels.

Do not wash your wheels when they are hot, as this can damage the finish.