What is the warranty on the wheels?
RTX wheels (Thibert Inc,) include a warranty to the original purchaser that their wheels will be free of cosmetic defects for a period of one (1) year or three (3) years, as indicated, after the date of purchase. In addition, the wheels will be warranted to be free of structural defects for as long as the original purchaser owns the wheels. This warranty is valid only when the wheels are returned to Thibert Inc. freight prepaid with a copy of the original proof of purchase. The sole obligation of Thibert Inc. is limited to repairing or replacing the wheels considered defective. Thibert Inc. will inspect all items returned under warranty. Wheels covered by the warranty will be repaired or replaced and returned to the customer freight prepaid. Non-warranty wheels will be returned to the customer freight collect.
What is covered:
1 Peeling of the clear coat, chrome or paint on the face of the wheel.
2 Blemishes in the clear coat, chrome or paint finish of the wheel.
3 Wheels with lateral or radial run out greater than 0.025" or 0.635mm provided there is no evidence of impact.
4 Wheels with improperly machined bolt holes, center bores or offsets.
5 Wheels that leak air.
What is not covered:
1 Peeling of the paint, clear coat or chrome in the barrel or on the back of the wheel.
2 Wheels that have a lateral or radial run out of less than 0.025" or 0.635mm.
3 Wheels that have been damaged by accident, impact, misuse, negligence, off road use, racing or exceeding the maximum load rating.
4 Scratches, stone chips or curb rash caused by road hazards.
5 Damage caused by tire installation or the use of an impact gun.
6 Use of clip on weights on the outer lip of the wheel.
7 Corrosion, pitting, scratches or staining due to improper wheel maintenance.
8 Wheels that have been altered, modified or repaired.
9 Defects that are claimed more than one or three year after purchase.
10 Claims made by anyone other than the original purchaser.
11 The finish warranty for chrome and chrome painted (PVD) wheels will be voided if the wheels are used in the winter.